“Augmenting Human Intelligence with Artificial Intelligence”
International IFIP Cross Domain (CD) Conference for
Machine Learning & Knowledge Extraction (MAKE)
CD-MAKE 2019
CD-MAKE is a joint effort of IFIP TC 5, IFIP TC 12, IFIP WG 8.4, IFIP WG 8.9 and IFIP WG 12.9 and is held at the
University of Kent
in conjunction with
the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security ARES 2019
August 26 – 29, 2019, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK (Monday – Thursday)
Deadline for Proposal Submissions for Special Sessions/Workshops/Tutorials | January, 28, 2019 |
Submission Deadline extended |
Author Notification | May 24, 2019 |
Author Registration (latest)
June 13, 2019 |
Camera Ready (Hard Springer deadline) | June 23, 2019 |
Conference | August 26 – 29, 2019 |
The cross-domain integration and appraisal of different fields will provide an atmosphere to foster different perspectives and opinions; it will offer a platform for novel ideas and a fresh look on the methodologies to put these ideas into Business for the benefit of the Human.
Our Motto: Science is to test crazy ideas – Engineering is to put these ideas into Business!